Hinduism is full of symbolism – it is also said that no other religion employs the art of symbols as effectively as the Hindus. Most of these symbols are representative of philosophers, teachings and even gods. Today we will talk about the word “Om”, the most universal form of Hindu symbols. Om is used to symbolize the universe and ultimate reality. Let us know what is the secret of Om?? The sound of ‘Om’ is considered the most sacred in various religions and beliefs of the world. In religions like Hindu, Tibetan, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain etc., this word ‘Om’ has been considered the symbol of Supreme God. In Yajurveda, “Om Kham Brahma” i.e. ‘Om’ is the omnipresent Supreme Brahma. At the same time, Guru Nanak Dev ji has also said, “Ek Omkar Satnaam Karta Purukh..” The glory of Om is mentioned in the 27th sutra of Maharishi Patanjali’s ‘Yogadarshan’. In this, it is said that “Tasya Vachak Pranavah” i.e. the word which conveys the meaning of the word God is ‘Om’.
🌺The glory of chanting Om🌺
🌺Oum is made of three letters.
A umm.
“A” means to arise,
“U” means to get up,
“M” means to become silent i.e. to become “Brahmaalin”.
🌺Om signifies the origin of the entire universe and the entire creation.
🌺The pronunciation of Om provides physical benefits. Know how :
🌺 Reciting Om creates vibration in the throat which has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.
🌺If you feel nervous or impatient, there is nothing better than chanting Om.
🌺 It removes toxic elements from the body, that is, it controls the fluids produced due to stress.
🌺 It keeps the heart and blood flow balanced.
🌺The pronunciation of Om increases digestion power.
🌺This brings youthful energy back into the body.
🌺The problem of sleeplessness goes away within a short time. Chanting this in your mind before sleeping at night will help you sleep peacefully.
🌺 Doing this with some special pranayam strengthens the lungs.
🌺 Reciting the first word of Om creates vibration. These vibrations affect the spinal cord and increase its efficiency.
By reciting
🌺Om, the entire body becomes fatigue and stress free.
🌺Hope you will chant Om for some time now. And you will also pass it on to the people you care about.
Hinduism is full of symbolism
